We offer both in-person and online appointments

There are many reasons why clients might prefer either online or in-person appointments, and we work hard to accommodate the needs of every client. We recognize that every situation is unique, and both clients and clinicians have varying comfort levels with in-person vs. online appointments. At this time, most of our psychologists are able to offer either in-person or online appointments, for most (but not all) of our services.
In some cases, our clinicians may feel that your specific situation necessitates in-person appointments, or online appointments, and will recommend one or the other. Likewise, you may have a strong preference for one mode or another. If you do have such a preference, please let us know at the time you schedule your appointment.
In our waiting rooms, hallways, and other public spaces, we request safe practices and we post friendly reminders based on the current CDC and Washington State Health Department guidelines.
Regarding online security, you should know that at the outset of the COVID pandemic, the federal government temporarily allowed therapists to use non-HIPAA compliant forms of video conferencing, such as Facetime, Zoom, Google Meet, Facebook, etc. These platforms are still in use by some other therapists, but they are not fully secure, nor HIPAA compliant. However, Olympic Psychology Services was set up for telehealth before COVID-19, so our SimplePractice platform is fully encrypted, HIPAA compliant, and easier to use than Zoom.